Welcome To The Private Equiteer
I have been a private equiteer for many years, investing many millions of dollars into middle-market companies across the United States and most recently, Asia. The Private Equiteer began more than a decade ago as a journal to articulate my understanding of private equity and to record my fledgling ideas. Today, my aim is for the website to be window into world of private equity from a practitioner's point of view and to serve as a community for those interested in this industry. Whatever your involvement with Private Equity—whether you are a fellow practitioner, an aspiring private equiteer, a business owner or an intermediary—I hope the content, resources and discourse in these pages will be of value to you.

Step 1: Sign-Up To Stay Updated
Being a full time private equiteer means I don't get to write new content with any consistency. However, when inspiration hits, I usually first send it out to loyal readers. It is only with some initial feedback and further rumination that I might put these thoughts up on the site. So if you're interested in what I have to say, please consider subscribing to the email list on the right here. Your information is never shared and you can unsubscribe at any time (Privacy Policy).
Step 2: Start Reading
The articles here are arranged by topic for easy reference. Visit the homepage or click on Articles in the menu above to find the top articles listed by topic. You are welcome to leave any thoughts or feedback in the recently added comment section below each post. I would love to hear from you; I try to respond to as many questions as I can.
Step 3: Consider Purchasing My Book

Private Equity Secrets Revealed is a 200+ page e-book containing tips, tricks and trade secrets of the clandestine Private Equity industry. The book is arranged as journal entries on the very same topics I write about here. If you like the content on the site, you would love the book; there is some overlap in my writing but I cover much more and go deeper in the book. Click on the Preview button for more details. Feel free to contact me if you have questions about it.
Step 4: Check Out Other Recommended Resources (Under Construction)
Every industry has its secrets and it takes practitioners many years to learn them and climb to ladder. Nothing is a substitute for actual experience. But, reading and learning from the experience of others is a great way to build knowledge and secondhand experience that will place you well ahead of those who don't. Check out Recommended Reources: blogs, websites and tools I have found useful for me personally and for my fellow private equiteers.
Step 5: Join The Community (Under Construction)
I have long considered adding a forum section to the site to allow for more discourse among readers. Through the years, I have found that the best content comes from discussion groups and forums where the individuals with diverse backgrounds and perspectives come together on very specific topics. Alas, setting up and maintaining a discussion forum is labor-intensive so it will only be worth the effort if there is a critical mass in the community. Please register your interest here and get updated when this launches.